Need help with endo, but not sure where to start?
If you’ve ever wanted to dip your toe into healing endo, but money was a barrier for you, now is the time to invest (affordably) in your endo recovery journey!
You get a year’s access to all three of my courses, plus two extra bonus masterclasses on surgery and pain relief, for just £99.
Here’s what’s included:
Live & Thrive: Foundations
Four foundational steps to managing endometriosis holistically, reducing your symptoms naturally and finally beating the endo overwhelm.
This 4-module course will provide you with effective yet easy to digest tools and strategies to reduce your pain, fatigue, endo belly, brain fog and hormonal symptoms and allow you to live your life again.
Full price: £200
The Endo Belly Protocol
How to beat the endo belly, heal your gut and calm your endo.
In this 7-step course, you will uncover the root causes behind your endo belly, learn the exact protocols for healing, identify your unique triggers and endo belly aggravators, heal your gut, and calm your endo. Move from feeling overwhelmed and at the mercy of the endo belly, to feeling clear and in control.
Full price: £350
Live & Thrive with Endo
This course is a step-by-step outline of my exact one-to-one coaching programme; a road map for reducing pain, bloating, fatigue, brain fog, and more.
This 10 module course will transform the way you manage your endometriosis. Learn tools and strategies for reducing your symptoms naturally, so that you can thrive with endometriosis and get your life back.
Full price: £400
Creating Your Natural Pain Relief Tool Kit for Endo
This workshop will go through evidence based and real-life tested natural methods of reducing pain, in the moment it hits. The purpose of this workshop is so that you can create a go-to tool kit that you know works for you, that you can use whenever a pain flare kicks in.
Full price: £50.00
Holistic Pre and Post-Surgery Recovery Protocol
In this workshop, you’ll learn how to minimise pain, bloating and inflammation from surgery; reduce the risk of adhesion formation and endo recurrence and optimise the benefits of a good surgery with evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle tools and strategies.
Full price: £50.00
Total price: £1050
Bundle price: £99
Enroll in the Live & Thrive Course Bundle today and get access to all three courses, two masterclasses, and a community group for an entire year.
One-time payment of
Two monthly payments of
Three monthly payments of
Extended sale ends Thursday 30th November 11:59pm GMT

"I’ve been almost entirely without pain for more than a year!"
- 2022 Course Bundle Student

Before I tell you more about these health transforming courses and value-packed offer, let's talk about who this is for so you can be really sure it's right for you.
You're an endo warrior who is sick (literally) of living with pain, fatigue, the endo belly and gut problems.
Maybe you feel like endometriosis is controlling your life, your dreams and your relationships.
Maybe you want to be able to finish a sentence without having to play charades because brain fog has erased the words from your vocabulary ("can you pass me the... you know, that thing, over there, that cuts bread?”).
Maybe you're overwhelmed by the diets, the strategies, and all the information on endo?
Maybe you want to wear clothes without having to think about how they'll fit when the endo belly kicks in.
Maybe you want to learn what your symptoms are actually telling you and most importantly, learn how to heal the root causes and manage your health once and for all.
Maybe you're ready to take back control and you'd like some clear, step-by-step guidance along the way.
Does this sound familiar?
You’ve had multiple surgeries, you’ve tried different treatments but your doctors have told you there’s not much else they can do for you, even though you’re still suffering. You feel like you’re out of options and you can’t go on experiencing symptoms like this, and you’re ready for change.
You know that natural and holistic methods of managing endo can work, but you’re so overwhelmed by all the info out there that you don’t know where to start. You need some direction of where to start first, rather than trying to make so many changes at once that you end up exhausted and not managing to do them anyway. You want tools that work without having to dedicate hours and hours of your day to them - you want realistic changes that become natural parts of your day and add up to big results. You’re motivated and ready to give it a go, but you need some guidance on the next steps.
You can't get through the day without bloating. Maybe you start the day off with less endo belly, but as the day goes on it gets bigger and bigger, until you get to the evening and the only thing that fits you is your PJs and even then you still feel uncomfortable. Maybe your endo belly is also accompanied by abdominal pain, cramping, gas, constipation or loose stools to name a few of your gut issues!
On top of endo, you also have seemingly random symptoms - bad hay fever, rashes, allergies to foods, chemicals and environmental triggers like dust, constant nasal congestion, brain fog, achy joints, fatigue. dizzy spells... the list goes on. You can't fully work out the root of your symptoms or what triggers these issues either!
By the end of thEsE courseS you will have…
Learnt the key contributors to endo symptoms and the foundational steps to lowering them and managing the disease
Identified your unique endo triggers and created a sustainable approach to eating for endo and gut health in a way that you enjoy!
Learnt the role of hormonal imbalances in endo and created your own hormone balancing food and lifestyle plan
Improved your energy levels, brain fog and anxiety and be equipped with tools and strategies for when you're feeling off
Identified which supplements are right for you and created a simple to implement supplement regime
Identified potential structural issues like adhesions or pelvic floor dysfunction and have chosen a select number of elective strategies to address them.
Healed your leaky gut, calmed any intestinal inflammation and reduced your endo belly flare ups!
Made the connection between any stress, trauma or emotional challenges and your health, and have found strategies that work for calming your nervous system and reducing pain signals.
Learnt how to track and sync your food and lifestyle to your menstrual cycle for better periods, reduced symptoms and hormonal balance.
Created a toolbox for long-term endo management and short-term symptom relief.
Enroll in the Live & Thrive Course Bundle today and get access to all three courses, two masterclasses, and a community group for an entire year.
One-time payment of
Two monthly payments of
Three monthly payments of
Extended sale ends Thursday 30th November 11:59pm GMT

"I am realising all the more how your bundle offer was incredibly advantageous and I am so grateful to you for allowing us to take these invaluable classes at this price. I am so thankful for your program. Just having the presence of your classes and knowing about your expertise and the community has helped me deal and face my endo with so much more peace. Thank you so much for your precious work."
- 2022 Course Bundle Student

Some of the incredible endo changes and feedback from my previous courses and coaching:
“Endo is no longer the centre of my universe, I am.”
"I just wanted to say a big thank you for creating this course. I’ve honestly been blown away by the effort and detail you’ve poured into it. It’s an endo bible of hope and without a doubt the most value for money investment I’ve ever made!"
— Chloe
"I just had my easiest period in years so I am still singing the praises of The Endo Belly Protocol! I wouldn't have been able to say yes to this work project a year ago."
"I want to also express to Jess my deepest gratitude for this course! I am SO very glad I took it and I know its content will serve me for a loooong time to come. Thank you for your great generosity in preparing it and for caring so much about us. Your deep care shows all over it."
“It was a big relief because it didn't look good for me, work wise. I think you and your course is a big reason that I can still do my job and I work full time now. Before I was just off, 100% of the time on sick leave, for ten months. I've been able to go back to work, more and more. It's been a big change for me.”
"I feel so well and so strong. I felt so ill for so many years, I didn't even realise how bad I felt because it had become normal. You've changed my life."
"I just wanted to let you know that I’m on day 2 and have no pain! I haven’t even taken any pain killers, I can’t remember the last time this was the case!"
"This month my period was unrecognisable, I used paracetamol and ginger teas/Epsom baths and cooling patches for the first 2 days. After that I almost forgot about it for the remaining 3 days! I used to be bed bound/off sick from work and dependent on codeine so this is amazing."
"I have much better energy and moods. I wake up and feel good pretty much every day."
"You have genuinely changed my life for which I can never repay you."
"I was very bloated, I could tell people wanted to ask when I was due. The bloating is down and the pain from the bloating is less, there's not so much pressure.” - Miriam
"I think it's just going to help me forever more. I just can't begin to thank you enough. I think for the first time since I've had my pain - and it kicked in when I was12 and I didn't know what it was - for the first time, I feel like I've got a handle on it."
"I finally have my brain back, it's not just this foggy place where I know information should be stored! I can find the words I'm looking for most of the time and I can remember things. I feel like I have my brain back now."
"Physically my pain has been more manageable and I have been less bloated, emotionally I've been more positive."
Enroll in the Live & Thrive Course Bundle today and get access to all three courses, two masterclasses, and a community group for an entire year.
One-time payment of
Two monthly payments of
Three monthly payments of
Extended sale ends Thursday 30th November 11:59pm GMT

"I have found the courses so helpful, I have noticed so many improvements from even the smaller tips like drinking dandelion tea!"
- 2022 Course Bundle Student

Live and Thrive: FoundationS
Four foundational steps to managing endometriosis holistically, reducing your symptoms naturally and finally beating the endo overwhelm.
This 4-module course will provide you with effective yet easy to digest tools and strategies to reduce your pain, fatigue, endo belly, brain fog and hormonal symptoms and allow you to live your life again. This introductory course includes the biggest, yet foundational needle movers that I have seen work for my clients time and time again. You get all the essential information you need to get started, without the overwhelm.
This is at the core of managing endometriosis and at the core of reducing your pain, brain fog and fatigue. Endo is an inflammatory disease and so one of the key ways to tame it is through lowering chronic inflammation.
This module teaches you what inflammation is, when it’s a problem and how it impacts endo (big time, by the way). You’ll identify signs of inflammation in your own body and which factors may be contributing to your overall inflammation load.
It’s a confusing world out there when it comes to knowing what to eat for endometriosis and so this is where we set out the foundations of good nutrition and anti-inflammatory eating. You’ll learn the key anti-inflammatory foods groups and how to incorporate them into your own tailored nutrition plan. We’ll also dive into the key inflammatory drivers when it comes to food, so you can begin making sustainable and positive changes.
In short, this module is all about creating your own endo diet. One that suits your needs, endometriosis health goals and lifestyle but is backed by science and evidence.
If inflammation is at the root of endo problems, unstable blood sugar is at the root of inflammation and hormonal imbalance.
Most of us don’t give a second thought to our blood sugar levels or even know what the terms means, but the truth is, balanced blood sugar is key to lowering chronic inflammation, brain fog and fatigue as well as hormonal issues such as PMS, bloating and heavy bleeding, and mood issues like depression and anxiety.
This module introduces you to the importance of blood sugar and how to identify blood sugar imbalances in your body – most of my clients find they need to do some work here!
You’ll then learn exactly how blood sugar directly impacts endo symptoms and the knock-on effect blood sugar has on your hormones, this is where you’ll introduced to some of the most common hormonal imbalances associated with endo and what they mean for your symptoms.
Lastly, you’ll learn how to build a blood sugar balancing plate and the four golden rules for blood sugar balance, so you can implement these changes into your daily meals and routine. and so you can make informed and empowered decisions about your nutrition.
Pelvic pain isn’t just caused by the endo lesions directly. Once you’ve learnt all about the way that inflammation and hormonal imbalances can worsen your symptoms, it’s time to talk about the nerves and musculoskeletal structure.
First up you’ll learn all about the nervous system and how and where pain is made, and why a stressed-out brain and sensitive nerves can increase our experience of pain. We’ll also talk about how pain can cause brain fog and fatigue! We’ll then explore some of the steps you can take for calming down your nervous system and in turn, your pain levels.
Next you’ll hear all about the pelvic floor and how endometriosis and a life of chronic pain can negatively affect the muscles, fascia and nerves in the pelvic area, creating problems with the bladder, vagina, rectum and general pelvic area. You’ll also discover the benefits of pelvic floor physiotherapy, how to find a good therapist and exercises you can do at home if you can’t afford one on one work.
Finally, this module will take you through adhesions; what they are, why they’re a problem and the symptoms and complications they lead to. I’ll also share with you how to reduce adhesions through visceral manipulation and the types of visceral manipulation for endometriosis.
This module will help you carve out a long-term plan for calming down your nervous system and for addressing any structural problems you have, so you can reduce pelvic pain, pain during sex, pain in your legs or any related problems with gut health or urinary health.
If you struggle with fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia or brain fog – this is the module for you!
Contrary to what many of us are told, brain fog and fatigue aren’t just part and parcel of having endo. In this module, we explore the root causes of fatigue and brain fog and then take a deeper dive into some of the absolute foundations of healing.
You’ll get to understand your internal body clock and how it can become imbalanced, as well as how sleep affects your hormones, inflammation and pain levels, not to mention brain fog and fatigue. You’ll learn easy to implement strategies for sleep hygiene and a healthy circadian rhythm.
Next up, we’ll look at a big topic fpr our community: HPA axis dysfunction. You’ll learn all about the HPA axis and its role and how imbalances can lead to low thyroid, low progesterone and chronic fatigue to name a few of the issues that arise from this common problem.
Finally, you’ll explore and map out the positive lifestyle changes you can make to recover from burn out, gain sustained and consistent energy levels and enhance cognitive function so you can think clearly again!
How to Beat the Endo Belly, Heal Your Gut and Calm Your Endo
In this seven-step course, you will uncover the root causes behind your endo belly, learn the exact protocols for healing, identify your unique triggers and endo belly aggravators and ultimately heal your gut and calm your endo.
This module teaches you about the key root causes behind the endo belly, and how co-conditions of endometriosis can affect the gut, but equally, how gut health impacts endometriosis.
In this module, you’ll learn exactly how an impaired gut contributes to pelvic pain and can even be a driver for hormonal imbalances and the development of other conditions and symptoms which are associated with endo, such as histamine intolerance, allergies, interstitial cystitis and migraines.
You’ll also learn about the most common root causes and drivers of poor gut health within our community, as well as the gut health problems linked to endometriosis like small intestine bacterial overgrowth.
You’ll get an endo belly quiz too, which will allow you to identify your own unique possible root causes so you can move through the course clear on the endo belly issues you’re specifically healing and focusing on.
We’ll also cover testing options, when they’re necessary and how to perform the tests.
This module outlines the essential lifestyle changes and eating habits that all of us can adopt for better gut health and ultimately, a reduction in the endo belly, less gut symptoms and improved nutrient absorption. This is Step 1 for everybody in the course – and the great news is, you may experience a complete or significant reduction in your endo belly and gut symptoms with just this step!
You’ll also learn everyday tools you can get started with straight away which will improve your gut-brain connection (hello anxiety belly), improve nutrient absorption and digestion. You’ll additionally learn about how stress, trauma and living with endo can impact the endo belly and the simple brain retraining strategies we can use to overcome them.
This is where we set out the foundations of good nutrition and anti-inflammatory eating that will help to lower intestinal inflammation and calm your endo!
You’ll learn the key anti-inflammatory foods groups, how they help with endo and the endo belly and how to incorporate them into your own tailored nutrition plan. You’ll also learn about specific gut healing foods and when and how to use them (and when not to!).
This module is all about creating your own endo diet by ADDING in healing foods, rather than taking away. We’ll be creating a gut healing nutritional plan that suits your needs, endometriosis health goals and lifestyle that is backed by science and evidence.
If you’re ready to try a more extensive gut healing nutritional protocol, this module outlines the exact elimination phase I use with one-to-one clients to heal leaky gut, lower intestinal inflammation, balance hormones, reduce pain and ease endo belly symptoms. We’ll use a simple short-term plan that will be tailored to your own unique needs, lifestyle, budget and gut health with the freedom to implement it in a way that’s sustainable for you.
We’ll also explore the key foods that can (but not in everyone!) cause intestinal inflammation and aggravate endo belly (and endo in general), so that you can make mindful and educated decisions about them. You’ll be able to truly identify your personal trigger foods, so you know exactly what’s flaring up not just your endo belly, but your endo symptoms too.
Don’t worry – an elimination diet is always temporary and short-lived; the point is to heal your gut so you can eat a wider diet again! But, if this doesn’t sound like something you want to do, I provide you with alternative options in the module.
Whether you choose to just eat more anti-inflammatory foods or you decide to follow a nutrition protocol from Module 3, this healing period can be enhanced with specific supplements and tools designed to replenish the microbiome, heal leaky gut, calm intestinal inflammation, boost intestinal immunity and restore healthy gut function.
We’ll also go through strategies, tools, and supplements to manage in the moment endo belly flares and symptoms such as gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea.
Finally, we'll discuss which common gut healers are suitable for those of us with endo (not all of them are!), and how/if to use them if you also have SIBO, histamine intolerance or other more complex gut health issues.
If it turns out that part of your problem is small intestine bacterial overgrowth (80% of endo patients have it, so it’s likely), this module takes you through everything you need to know! Test interpretation, the different types of SIBO and what they mean, all of the treatment options and the exact doses and time frames, and then the prevention of relapse phase and root cause investigation (because we don’t want SIBO to come back, right?!).
I’ll also provide you with additional resources to help you on your way to SIBO freedom, from cookbooks to SIBO friendly food brands!
You’ll leave this module knowing exactly how to take on SIBO – and what to do to stop it from coming back.
This module explores the co-conditions of SIBO which can often worsen your symptoms or make SIBO hard to treat, as well as other gut health complications that are often found within the endometriosis/pelvic pain community that may need more specialised treatment. I’ll provide you with protocols and strategies to help you kick these gut issues – and we’ll have some very special surprise guests!
Additionally, we’ll look at the more advanced diets like the low FODMAP, autoimmune paleo and low histamine diet, for anyone needing more targeted healing.
This is a great one if you find you’re not responding to the previous healing strategies, or you get a negative SIBO test – or a positive for that matter!
World leading SIBO doctor Dr. Allison Siebecker has seen thousands of SIBO patients, and often deals with the most difficult cases that leave other doctors at a loss over what to do next.
Dr. Allison Siebecker is the founder of SIBOinfo.com, she is a chronic SIBO patient and SIBO expert, and is the creator of the world's most comprehensive SIBO training course for health practitioners; the SIBO Pro Course, and is the co-creator of patient course SIBO Recovery Roadmap.
In this 10-week course, you will transform the way you manage endometriosis and learn the tools and strategies for reducing your symptoms naturally so you can thrive with endo and get your life back.
This course is a step-by-step outline of my exact one-to-one coaching programme; a road map for reducing pain, bloating, fatigue and brain fog (and all the other symptoms that come with endo!). This is the most comprehensive and clear resource I offer, other than working with me directly.
This is at the core of managing endometriosis and at the core of reducing your pain, brain fog and fatigue. Endo is an inflammatory disease and so one of the key ways to tame it is through lowering chronic inflammation.
This module teaches you what inflammation is, when it’s a problem and how it impacts endo (big time, by the way). You’ll identify signs of inflammation in your own body and which factors may be contributing to your overall inflammation load.
It’s a confusing world out there when it comes to knowing what to eat for endometriosis and so this is where we set out the foundations of good nutrition and anti-inflammatory eating. You’ll learn the key anti-inflammatory foods groups and how to incorporate them into your own tailored nutrition plan. We’ll also dive into the key inflammatory drivers when it comes to food, so you can begin making sustainable and positive changes.
In short, this module is all about creating your own endo diet. One that suits your needs, endometriosis health goals and lifestyle but is backed by science and evidence.
If inflammation is at the root of endo problems, unstable blood sugar is at the root of inflammation and hormonal imbalance.
Most of us don’t give a second thought to our blood sugar levels or even know what the terms means, but the truth is, balanced blood sugar is key to lowering chronic inflammation, brain fog and fatigue as well as hormonal issues such as PMS, bloating and heavy bleeding, and mood issues like depression and anxiety.
This module introduces you to the importance of blood sugar and how to identify blood sugar imbalances in your body – most of my clients find they need to do some work here!
You’ll then learn exactly how blood sugar directly impacts endo symptoms and the knock-on effect blood sugar has on your hormones, this is where you’ll introduced to some of the most common hormonal imbalances associated with endo and what they mean for your symptoms.
Lastly, you’ll learn how to build a blood sugar balancing plate and the four golden rules for blood sugar balance, so you can implement these changes into your daily meals and routine. and so you can make informed and empowered decisions about your nutrition.
The gut is one of the most important areas to address when we’re looking to heal endometriosis symptoms and calm down the disease itself. If gut health is compromised, the rest of the body becomes compromised too and symptoms like bloating, brain fog, pain and fatigue arise or worsen.
In this module, you’ll learn exactly how an impaired gut contributes to pelvic pain and can even be a driver for hormonal imbalances and the development of other conditions and symptoms which are associated with endo, such as histamine intolerance, allergies, interstitial cystitis and migraines. You’ll also learn about some of the most common root causes and drivers of poor gut health as well as the gut health problems linked to endometriosis like small intestine bacterial overgrowth.
Finally, you’ll be given the tools to identify gut health problems in your own body so you know where to start with healing and which tests to get if required, so you can begin healing that gut and alleviating brain fog, fatigue, bloating.
In the second gut health module you’re going to take what you’ve learnt about the gut and endo and apply to your healing, so you can really begin to see a difference in your endo belly and endo symptoms.
You’ll learn about the protocols for healing your gut, from first line therapies such as a simple elimination diet to second line therapies such as gut healing supplements and more advanced protocols for specific conditions.
You’ll create your own tailored gut healing protocol to suit your lifestyle, budget and gut health needs with the freedom to implement it in a way that’s sustainable for you. This is the point you’ll be able to truly identify your personal trigger foods, so you know exactly what’s flaring up not just your endo belly, but your endo symptoms too. This step lays the foundation for how you’ll manage endo in the future.
Our environment and detoxification pathways such as the liver and gut play a direct role in our hormonal health, which can then impact endometriosis.
In this module you’ll dive deeper into the most common hormonal imbalances, namely oestrogen dominance and low progesterone. You’ll learn why these hormonal issues arise and how they can affect endometriosis symptoms, development and fertility.
You’ll then come to understand the role of toxins in our environment, and how they’ve been linked with endometriosis and hormonal conditions and the crucial role our detoxification pathways play in getting these nasties out of the body, keeping our hormones balanced and endo under control.
Once your armed with this knowledge, you’ll then be equipped with the key strategies for supporting the detoxification processes, balancing your hormones and lowering your exposure to hormone disrupting toxins, paving the way for better energy, less pain, an easier menstrual cycle and less hormonal symptoms.
If you struggle with fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia or brain fog – this is the module for you!
Contrary to what many of us are told, brain fog and fatigue aren’t just part and parcel of having endo. In this module, we explore the root causes of fatigue and brain fog and then take a deeper dive into some of the absolute foundations of healing.
You’ll get to understand your internal body clock and how it can become imbalanced, as well as how sleep affects your hormones, inflammation and pain levels, not to mention brain fog and fatigue. You’ll learn easy to implement strategies for sleep hygiene and a healthy circadian rhythm.
Next up, we’ll look at a big topic fpr our community: HPA axis dysfunction. You’ll learn all about the HPA axis and its role and how imbalances can lead to low thyroid, low progesterone and chronic fatigue to name a few of the issues that arise from this common problem.
Finally, you’ll explore and map out the positive lifestyle changes you can make to recover from burn out, gain sustained and consistent energy levels and enhance cognitive function so you can think clearly again!
Pelvic pain isn’t just caused by the endo lesions directly. Once you’ve learnt all about the way that inflammation and hormonal imbalances can worsen your symptoms, it’s time to talk about the nerves and musculoskeletal structure.
First up you’ll learn all about the nervous system and how and where pain is made, and why a stressed-out brain and sensitive nerves can increase our experience of pain. We’ll also talk about how pain can cause brain fog and fatigue! We’ll then explore some of the steps you can take for calming down your nervous system and in turn, your pain levels.
Next you’ll hear all about the pelvic floor and how endometriosis and a life of chronic pain can negatively affect the muscles, fascia and nerves in the pelvic area, creating problems with the bladder, vagina, rectum and general pelvic area. You’ll also discover the benefits of pelvic floor physiotherapy, how to find a good therapist and exercises you can do at home if you can’t afford one on one work.
Finally, this module will take you through adhesions; what they are, why they’re a problem and the symptoms and complications they lead to. I’ll also share with you how to reduce adhesions through visceral manipulation and the types of visceral manipulation for endometriosis.
This module will help you carve out a long-term plan for calming down your nervous system and for addressing any structural problems you have, so you can reduce pelvic pain, pain during sex, pain in your legs or any related problems with gut health or urinary health.
The final module offers you the opportunity to really get to know your cycle and to work with it, rather than against it and to take your hormone balancing strategies to the next level so that you no longer have to battle painful ovulation, low moods, PMS exhaustion or clotty periods.
The first part of this module will take your through the basics of the menstrual cycle so you can easily identify when something is up with your hormones. Next, we’ll look at ways to track your cycle and get to know exactly what’s happening in your cycle (like whether you’ve actually ovulated or not!). This is also a great tool if you one day want to try for a baby.
Once you’ve got your cycle down, you’ll learn which foods can help to support healthy hormones and which foods can benefit different phases of your cycle. Then, you’ll discover how you can plan your month for hormonal harmony rather than hormonal chaos.
The result? For potentially the first time ever, you’ll be in control and confident about your cycle. You’ll know the signs of a healthy and happy cycle in your body and when things are off balance and perhaps could contribute to increasing endo symptoms.
In this bonus module I take you through some of my favourite evidence-backed supplements that have been shown to target endometriosis, reduce inflammation and support healthy hormones.
You’ll learn which supplements are right for you, the safe but effective dosage limits, how and when to take and some of the best brands so you can create your own personalised supplement regime.
Research has shown that up to 80% of endo patients also have small intestine bacterial overgrowth - the signature symptom is bloating, sound familiar?
This video will take you through understanding your test results, the different types of SIBO and the different types of treatment so you can begin to understand the road map to healing with SIBO.
This workshop will go through evidence based and real-life tested natural methods of reducing pain, in the moment it hits. The purpose of this workshop is so that you can create a go-to tool kit that you know works for you, that you can use whenever a pain flare kicks in.
In this masterclass, we will cover:
Natural supplement alternatives to NSAIDS
Heat therapy alternatives to hot water bottles (and why hot water bottles can do damage)
Menstrual technology - the new devices for pain relief and which ones work
Essential oil remedies which are science-backed as being effective pain relievers for menstrual disorders
Massages, stretches and yoga for pain relief
CBD products - do they work?
At the end of the session, you'll have a selection of tools to fit all budgets, and you'll have an awareness of which ones are best suited to you, your body and your needs.
In this workshop, you’ll learn how to minimise pain, bloating and inflammation from surgery; reduce the risk of adhesion formation and endo recurrence and optimise the benefits of a good surgery with evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle tools and strategies.
We will cover:
How to lower inflammation ahead of and after surgery with nutrition, lifestyle and specific supplements, to enhance healing and reduce pain.
How to minimise bloating and gas, and ease any constipation or tummy troubles after surgery.
How to reduce adhesion (scar tissue) formation from the incision sites, to prevent future problems with pain, organ dysfunction, musculoskeletal issues and SIBO.
How to minimise the risk of endo recurrence and build on the benefits of a good surgery to optimise surgery success and outcomes.
How to support the pelvic floor and pelvic organs post-surgery with scar-safe movement and massage.
Enroll in the Live & Thrive Course Bundle today and get access to all three courses, two masterclasses, and a community group for an entire year.
One-time payment of
Two monthly payments of
Three monthly payments of
Extended sale ends Thursday 30th November 11:59pm GMT

“I haven’t been able to fit into this skirt for months due to weight gain from the hormones and endo belly bloat - after the last 2 weeks of learning more through the courses and making changes, it’s back on and comfortable!! I’ve had about 4 compliments at work today about how lovely it looks!”
- 2022 Course Bundle Student

When you enroll in this special, limited time period, you'll get....
Three courses and two masterclasses providing you with everything you need to manage endometriosis holistically.
A proven step-by-step road map for reducing pain, fatigue, brain fog and bloating with endometriosis (amongst the long list of other symptoms!) in the short-term and the long-term.
A complete endo nutrition guide for lowering inflammation, healing the endo belly and balancing hormones.
My breakfast cookbook, Christmas cookbook and my go-to easy snack recipes, plus a bonus meal plan guide.
Accessible, easy to use tools and strategies for reducing pain and flare ups in the moment they hit.
A clear and effective pre and post-surgery protocol to reduce pain, gut problems and inflammation following surgery, lower adhesion formation risk and optimise the benefits of a good surgery.
Handouts, checklists and guides to help you implement everything you’re learning into your daily routine and lifestyle, to make managing the endo feel possible not overwhelming.
A community Facebook group to connect with others on their journey, share you wins, support each other during hard times and make life-long friends who just get it.
You’ll get access to all three courses as soon as you sign up – and then you can pick and mix the modules you watch and the order in which you work through the courses to suit you, your needs and your recovery goals. Think of this as the pick’n’mix of endo healing…
Feeling overwhelmed? Start with Live and Thrive: The Foundation.
Endo belly getting to you? Check out The Endo Belly Protocol.
Ready for a deep dive healing journey? Start with Live and Thrive with Endo.
Need instant pain relief? Dive into the Natural Pain Relief Masterclass.
Got a surgery coming up? Plan your recovery with the Holistic Pre and Post-Surgery Recovery Protocol.
All these courses and masterclasses are yours for an entire 12 months, to make your own.
Enroll in the Live & Thrive Course Bundle today and get access to all three courses, two masterclasses, and a community group for an entire year.
One-time payment of
Two monthly payments of
Three monthly payments of
Extended sale ends Thursday 30th November 11:59pm GMT

"I have finished most of The Endo Belly Protocol course, I am using lots of the supplements you recommended and in the dosage advised and they certainly have improved my quality of life."
- 2022 Course Bundle Student

Nope! Not at all. For the first time ever, I am giving you access to all the courses and all the content, in one go, for you to tailor make your own healing experience.
Perhaps you first dip your toes in for a few months by going through Live and Thrive with Endo: The Foundations at your own pace, and then maybe you might take a few extra lessons from Live and Thrive (the full 10 module course) and then, maybe you want to do some extra work on your gut and so you do one or two classes from The Endo Belly Protocol. It’s entirely up to you.
If you want to go through them all as I’ve set them out, you absolutely can! I have arranged all the modules in a step-by-step healing protocol, so you can just follow along at your own pace.
Each module is about two hours long. Depending on how much of the content you want to get through in the year, you may want to do one module a month or one module every other week. The pace can be determined by you!
Absolutely start with Live and Thrive with Endo: The Foundation and take it super, super slow. You may also want to take the Pain Relief Masterclass and the Supplements for Endo Module from Live and Thrive (the full course) first, to bring you some immediate relief.
Having said that, if you’re really wiped out and you’re feeling burnt out from endo and all the info out there, then I don’t think this is the time for you to do this course. Whilst I’ve tried to make this course as accessible and bite size as possible, there’s no denying it’s a lot of information because I am providing you with everything you need to know to heal your gut! So, if you’re feeling wiped out, my advice is to take some time out and rest first. You could listen to my podcast episodes on HPA axis dysfunction, which will really help you with the fatigue/brain fog/overwhelm, and then you might feel ready to pursue this course once you’ve recovered a little.
These courses are for everyone!
I previously worked at Centrepoint, which is a charity for homeless young people and sadly, there were a number who came to us due to their parents views on their sexuality or gender. As a result I've always been very mindful of my language and try to be as inclusive as I can with this.
I use 'people', 'patients' or 'warriors' when talking about our community. The only times when I use the word 'women' or 'woman' is in context of a study that was done on women or in a historical context, for example when talking about discrepancies between treatment of male and female pain in medical history (I'm more than aware it's even worse for transgender and gender nonconforming people). I've also interviewed a transman with endo on my podcast to raise awareness and when I consulted for endometriosis charities I spoke to them about making their language and media more inclusive.
Equally, as someone who has worked with endometriosis charities, I have personally observed the lack of support for people of coloir and Asian people with endometriosis, as well as the lack of representation in this space. I have deliberately designed this course and my work, to offer both.
We have a Facebook community where I have set group rules about respecting one another with a zero tolerance on bullying, harassment, etc.
Having said all this, I mess up sometimes (mainly when I'm talking live and quickly!). I also don't know if this is an issue for you but my branding colours are a lot of what may be viewed as stereotypical 'female' colours. I actually vowed never to use pink and didn't choose these colours because I felt they represented womxn, but actually because they ended up being the colours I was using a lot in photos.
I can't guarantee that you won't see room for improvement but I am always conscious and aware of trying to make this space as inclusive and as welcoming as possible.
YES! Of course.
Some hormonal birth control options do affect gut health and nutrient absorption (leading to more of those endo belly flare ups) but if it’s working well for you, then there are many ways we can support your gut/endo belly whilst on birth control.
I’ll be educating you guys in the course on how birth control affects gut health, and from there, you can make an informed decision – but either way, you will still be able to follow all of the steps for gut healing, whether you’re on birth control or not!
Many of my clients and previous course students have actually come off birth control because they’ve felt so much better from following the protocols I share, so if your goal is to come off birth control, you may find that going through this course helps you to do so!
Yes, of course. If you’re in menopause the specific cycling support won’t be as relevant, but so many of the strategies that we use for hormonal health will still play a hugely beneficial role on your thryoid health, energy, moods. etc. and will aid in reducing any negative symptoms, and will also help provide a smoother transition into menopause.
Though these courses aren't menopause specific, they are designed to help everyone with endo, no matter where they are hormonally, so will still aid with pain, brain fog, fatigue, endo belly, etc.
These courses aren’t specifically for fertility as I’m not a fertility specialist, but everything we cover will optimise fertility and provide you with the nutrients and health for healthy conception.
Absolutely. You may need to take it slower to give yourself time to rest, but everything we cover will actually aid your healing and optimise the benefits of a good surgery.
Absolutely. You may need to take it slower to give yourself time to rest, but everything we cover will actually aid your healing, optimise the benefits of a good surgery and will actually prevent endo belly complications from occurring after surgery (did you know surgery can lead to abdominal adhesions and gut health problems?).
Live & Thrive with Endo Course Bundle is the one of the most comprehensive and clear courses on managing endometriosis naturally. It provides you with a proven step-by-step guide that will get you results if you’re ready and committed to make the positive changes outlined in these modules.
While I wish I was fairy Godmother and could magic all your endo problems away, I can’t do that. There may be some things out of your control, but there is so much in your control and so much you can change – and that’s what this course focuses on.
However, if you get 14 days in and decide that for whatever reason, this course isn’t right for you, you’ll get a full refund! By this point, you would have gotten to know the community and have been able to explore the courses, but if after that you decide it’s not right for you, just drop me an email.
Enroll in the Live & Thrive Course Bundle today and get access to all three courses, two masterclasses, and a community group for an entire year.
One-time payment of
Two monthly payments of
Three monthly payments of
Extended sale ends Thursday 30th November 11:59pm GMT
Enrolment closes Thursday 30th November 11:59pm GMT.
Listen to these transformation stories from my previous courses
Remember, you have a 14 day gurantee period. If you’re motivated by any of the following, I think it’s worth a try…
You want to feel well again – or for the first time ever.
Maybe you no longer want to be wracked by anxiety about your upcoming period and what it’s going to mean for your work life and personal life. You don’t want your stomach to sink when you see a big meeting scheduled for Day 1 or an important social event – you’re so exhausted by the endless cycle and you just can’t stand the thought of the rest of your periods being like this. They exhaust you, the pain is horrendous and you spend the days following feeling drained and beaten down by your own body. It seems like you have one week where you can stop worrying about it and then it’s back to square one. Every month you feel like you’re just scraping by and something has to change.
Maybe it’s not just your period that’s the problem. Maybe your pelvic pain is thudding away at you on a daily or nightly basis, it’s your constant companion that never gives you a moment of peace. You’re tired, so tired of being in pain all the time. You just want to snuggle up on the sofa and relax for once without your attention being anchored to the throb between your hip bones. You want to go to work without having to constantly juggle your to-do list and your pain, whilst trying to act like everything’s fine but secretly worrying you’re going to get fired for not being up to scratch. You want to get through the week without having to take pain killers or go to sleep without being woken up by pain.
Or maybe you’re at a loss with your gut health. Maybe you don’t have much pain but everything seems to bloat you and you can’t work out what your triggers are. You sway between diarhhea and constipation, and you seem to get varying IBS issues at different points of your cycle.
Whether your symptoms are crippling fatigue and brain fog that feels like its impacting everything you do or horrific pain that stops you from enjoying life and bloating that leaves you fearing food, it doesn’t have to be this way.
Whatever the symptoms are that you’re battling, you know in your heart that there’s a part of you that’s being held back when you’re feeling this unwell. You know you could do more and be more and live the life you know you’re capable of if you could just feel well.
You don’t want to miss out on life anymore. You’re determined that endo is not going to beat you – and you’d be right. It won’t. You will beat it. We will beat it together.
Here’s what people have to say if you’re not sure whether you should join one of my courses
How can I share the examples above in so much detail?
Because that was me.
I have dragged myself, barely able to walk, through central London, going from pharmacy to pharmacy in an attempt to find the strongest pain killers possible just so I can get through the workday.
I have cried my way through my morning commute after a night of no sleep and intense agony.
I have had felt suicidal, anxious and unlike myself for two weeks, only for those feelings to lift as soon as my period began.
I am no longer that girl.
Endo took a lot away from me, but it also gave me a great gift. The struggles I faced awoke within me a passion.
Once I worked out how to manage and reduce my endo symptoms holistically, I was determined to empower others to do the same and embarked on a seven-year journey to educating myself with all the knowledge, experience and tools for doing just that. The result?
I am a certified Integrative Women’s Health Coach specialised in endometriosis.
have studied women’s health coaching, chronic pelvic pain and endometriosis with Dr Jessica Drummond at The Integrative Women’s Health Institute.
I’ve studied gut health and small intestine bacterial overgrowth with leading SIBO doctors Dr. Allison Siebecker and Dr. Nirala Jacobi.
I have completed leading period expert Nicole Jardim's women’s hormonal health certification.
Since 2015 I have been researching and writing about endometriosis for my award-winning blog This EndoLife, and for my columns in Endometriosis News and Endometriosis Net.
I have interviewed world leading endometriosis specialists for my podcast, This EndoLife, which charted as one of the UK’s top 25 alternative health podcasts.
I worked for Endometriosis UK both in their communications team and running their advocacy programme.
I have led endometriosis support groups and am an active volunteer in the endo community.
After everything I’ve learnt, I’ve witnessed life-changing results with my clients and with myself.
I know this is possible for you too.
Consider for a moment what it would feel like to be on the other side of this masterclass. To no longer be confused and overwhelmed, to have answers and direction. To have alleviation of symptoms and a plan for continuing your healing. What would it mean for your life? Who would you be? What would you do?
I invite you to take the first step towards that vision.
Whatever you decide, I'm sending you healing energy and the very best wishes for your endo journey. If I can support you along the way, I'd be honoured.
So much love,
Jessica x