• This endolife podcast

    From surgery to natural therapies, This EndoLife brings you guests who are challenging chronic illnesses and mental health issues in their own unique ways, and are changing lives with their inspiring work.

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You can access more support by working with me directly. I offer different levels of support to suit all budgets and situations. Check out my masterclasses, courses and one to one coaching below.


Endometriosis Support and Resources

  • This endolife podcast

    This EndoLife brings you guests who are challenging chronic illnesses and mental health issues, and are changing lives with their inspiring work.

  • Endometriosis articles

    I’m a regular contributor to endometriosis.net, writing articles about endo, SIBO and inflammation. Read them for free.

  • It Starts With Breakfast

    With 28 nourishing recipes, It Starts with Breakfast is a nutrition guide and cookbook for living and thriving with endometriosis.

  • Challenges

    Join endo warriors around the world in taking part in one of my free challenges. Join the waiting list to find out when the next challenge begins.

  • Workshops

    Join one of my free workshops to meet other endo warriors and learn my step by step method to create a road map to your healing journey.

  • Crisis support

    If you're struggling and worried about your mental health or feel you may be at risk, please reach out to these trained professionals.

Follow me on instagram for more information and resources.