Having worked with women with endometriosis, and living with endometriosis, depression and anxiety myself, I know how easy it is to feel desperate at times. If you're struggling and worried about your mental health or feel you may be at risk, please reach out to these trained professionals.
If you need urgent medical attention you can visit A&E, or if you’re needing urgent medical advice you can call NHS 111
PAPYRUS - 0800 068 41 41
PAPYRUS is the charity for prevention of young suicide. It supports young people under 35 who are having suicidal thoughts and offers a helpline, amongst other services. The helpline allows you to talk about what's making you feel like ending your life and the advisor will offer advice on how to cope with those thoughts and feelings and can also sign post you to specific support and help.
Endometriosis UK - 0808 808 2227
Endometriosis UK have a helpline that is run by trained volunteers. The helpline is often very busy and is not open at all hours, so you'll need to check online to see what their hours are. The line is very helpful for anyone struggling with endometriosis, though they are unable to give medical advice as the women are speaking from a place of personal experience.
Samaritans - 116 123
The Samaritans are available around the clock, so you can call them at 3am if that's when you need to. It doesn't matter if you are calling about endometriosis or feeling suicidal, the Samaritans are there to listen to anything. They give you space to talk through your problems, by listening and allowing you an opportunity to explore your options with them.
Maytree - 020 7263 7070
Maytree is a "sanctuary for the suicidal". If you're feeling suicidal, Maytree are based in North London and offer a safe space to stay for free. If you call or email, they will arrange an assessment, as quickly as needs demand, and if they are right for you, can arrange a 4 - 5 night stay for free, with meals provided and one-to-one support when and if you feel ready to talk.
Mind - 0300 123 3393
Mind doesn't offer a helpline in the same sense as the Samaritans, but they offer a service where you call for advice on how to seek further support. They provide information on types of mental health problems, where to get help, medication and alternative treatments and advocacy.
Relate - 0300 100 1234
Relate is an organisation supporting relationships. If you're struggling with your family, partner or friends when it comes to living with endometriosis or the mental health issues that often accompany it, Relate may be able to help you. The above number is their booking line for telephone counselling, but they also offer instant online counselling for half an hour (when lines are open) which is incredibly useful. The online counselling, for example, could help when you are having a crisis moment with your partner, and need someone to help you talk it over.