EP.199/ Endo Belly Instagram Live Q&A: What Came First, Endo or SIBO?

Are Certain Endo People More Likely to Develop SIBO? What's the Connection Between Endo, IBS and SIBO?


A little while ago I asked you guys what your questions were about SIBO and endo belly - and my gosh, did you come through with the questions! So I decided to record my answers in a few Instagram lives and then share them as a podcast episode so more people can have access to this information.

But in short, if you suffer with any of the following, I think this is worth a listen:

  • Bloating/endo belly

  • Diarrhoea/constipation (I'm talking constipation or diarrhoea that is more or less your every day normal, not isolated to your period or luteal phase, as that tends to be hormonal).

  • Nausea or vomiting (that’s not induced by pain)

  • Gas or burping

  • GERD or acid reflux


Here are the questions I am answering in today’s episode:

  • What came first? Endo or SIBO?

  • Are there certain people with endo more likely to develop SIBO?

  • What is the connection between SIBO and IBS and how to differentiate between them?

  • What are the stats on IBS, endo and SIBO?

  • Are there any foods that make SIBO worse?

  • Will I have to do a low FODMAP diet long term?

  • Does diet help SIBO?

  • Can SIBO cause B12, zinc, iron and magnesium deficiencies?

I hope this podcast episode is helpful to you. If you’re wondering whether it’s SIBO or endo or something else causing your bloating, or you’d like to learn how to test for SIBO or just understand a bit more before you investigate further, have a look at my show notes below.

Free workshop: To support those of you who are struggling with overwhelm or not knowing where to start with beating the endo belly, I’m running a free workshop in two weeks – Creating a Roadmap for Endo Belly Healing. You can sign up right here. 
In this two hour-long workshop I’m going to…

  • Show you how to overcome endo belly information overwhelm

  • Help you identify your core endo belly challenges

  • Teach you the first, second and third line therapies for endo belly healing that I go through with all my clients

  • Empower you to set 1-3 goals and next steps so you can get started and take action after the workshop.

This workshop is all about sorting through the confusion so you can begin managing the endo belly with confidence and clarity. Sign up here.

Pick the workshop that best fits your schedule. (I’m offering multiple times!). Here are the dates:

Tuesday May 24th, 7pm BST
Thursday May 26th, 7pm BST

Sign up to register and I’ll send you all the details. If you can't make it live - don't worry, you'll be sent the replay the very next day!

Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram or sign up to my newsletter.

Sign up to The Endo Belly Course wait list here.

My cookbook This EndoLife, It Starts with Breakfast is out now! Get 28 anti-inflammatory, hormone friendly recipes for living and thriving with endometriosis. Order your copy here.

If you feel like you need more support with managing endometriosis, you can join Your EndoLife Coaching Programme. A 1-to-1 three month health and life coaching programme to help you thrive with endometriosis. To find out more about the programme and to discuss whether it could be right for you, email me at hello@thisendolife.com or visit my website.

This episode is produced by Ora Podcasts. Ora provides audio editing, management and other services to make podcasting simple and sustainable for their clients. Health coaches, nutritionists, mediums, personal trainers, tarot readers, teachers, or just those striving for a better world, Ora can help you start and maintain your podcast. Get in touch today.

This episode is sponsored by BeYou. Soothe period cramps the natural way with these 100% natural and discreet menthol and eucalyptus oil stick on patches and CBD range. Click here to find out more and to shop: https://beyouonline.co.uk

This episode is sponsored by Semaine. Try their supplement for period pain and daily supplement for hormonal balance and PMS prevention with code ENDOLIFE to get 20% off your first order.

Show Notes









Inflammation, food and endo






EP.200/ Endo Belly Instagram Live Q&A: If It's Not SIBO, What Is It?


EP.198/ Endo Belly Challenge Q&A Answers